Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


icon icon Cancellation and Issuance of Tax Declaration
What is a Tax Declaration?

A Tax Declaration shows the assessed and fair market values of the property which serves as the basis for the Real Property Tax assessed by a particular city or municipality in the Phiippines.

This is a document issued by the City or municipality’s assessor’s office.

The Owner’s Copy of a tax declaration is issued upon the completion of title transfer or registration of transfer of ownership of real property from the previous owner to a new owner as evidenced by a new land title or condominium title, or upon declaration of new building or improvement and machinery. Under existing laws, it is the duty of all persons acquiring property to declare the same with the City Assessor’s Office within a period of sixty (60) days from the issuance of its Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT). Tax Declaration can also be issued for other transactions such as:

  • Segregation/Consolidation
  • New Assessments
  • Reassessments/Reclassifications
  • Revision of values (per existing Ordinances)
  • Correction of Entry/ies
  • Annotations, etc. as maybe necessary

After buying a property in the Philippines with the title transfer being completed and the title issued under the buyers name it is not enough that land title or condominium title is under the name of the buyer. The tax declaration must also be under the name of the buyer.

After having the title transfer completed, with the land title or condominium title of a property transferred to your name, it is important that the Tax Declaration of the previous property owner must be cancelled and a new one be issued under your name. The usual documents to be presented for the cancellation of the old title and the issuance of new title are as follows:

  1. Transfer Certificate of Title (land title) or Condominium Certificate of Title (Condominium title). Present original or authenticated copy from Registry of Deeds the Certified true copy of previous Transfer Certificate of Title or Condominium Certificate of Title

  2. Basis of title of transfer- particularly Deed of Conveyance (Secretary Certificate is required, if seller is a corporation). E.g.

    • Deed of Sale or Deed of Donation
    • Deed of Exchange
    • Extrajudicial settlement of estate
    • Affidavit of Self Adjudication (sole heir)
    • Deed of Conditional Sale
  3. In case the foregoing documents are no longer available, you may submit: to the registry of deeds a Notarized Affidavit of Loss

  4. Copy of latest tax declaration
  5. Transfer tax receipt (original or certified copy from CTO & photo copy)
  6. Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR),
  7. Current Realty Tax Clearance - present original; and/or photocopy of latest year full payment
  8. Picture of Property – frontage/facade showing full view of structure

Your title transfer service provider should assist you not only up to the issuance of a new condominium title or land title but up to the issuance of a tax declaration under your name.

As a title transfer service provider, FILEDOCSPHIL can help process your property’s Tax Declaration. CLICK HERE for a free quote.

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