Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Is it safe to execute a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) when selling a property?

What is a Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR)? What is it for?

Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT) or Land Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) Transfer (Residential and Commercial)

Traceback and Title Verification

Cancellation and Issuance of Tax Declaration

Extra Judicial Settlement (EJS)

Assistance in Payment of Real Property Taxes (RPT)

Assistance on Voluntary Annotation and/or Cancellation of Annotation in Title (Rule 74, Mortgage)


Assistance in Reconstitution of Lost Title

Assistance in Partition of Property

Assistance in Correction of Title

Assistance in Conversion to e-Title

What is an eCAR?

What is Apostille?

How can I amend the information in the title?

Why should I upgrade to an e-Title?

How do I partition a property?

What documents show proof that you are the registered owner of a property?

What is a usufruct?

What is an annotation in title?

What is Real Property Tax?

What is an Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate?

What is a Tax Declaration?

If I want to verify the authenticity of my property titles, where should I go?

What is a Certificate of Title?

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