Title Transfer Services


For as low as PhP 45,000.00 per application *Exclusive of Vat
Need to transfer the title?
We can manage it for you

We, FILEDOCSPHIL, will ensure the on time transfer of the title to the new owner. The the new owner. The preparation and collection of the necessary documents, submission of requirements to the various government agencies, the assessment and payment of necessary fees and taxes, etc. will be done by us in order to transfer your property titles in no time. We will be with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

What We Do Our Service Consist of
Condominium or Land Title
Transfer (Residential
and Commercial)

It is to your best interest that a title is issued under your name as this is the main proof that you are the property owner of the particular real property or real estate. This involves the payment of taxes (Capital Gains Tax or CGT, Documentary Stamp Tax or DST and transfer tax), processing of Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR), and cancellation and issuance of a new title under your name. We can manage the title transfer for you.

Traceback and
Title Verification

If you have doubts as to the past owners of the property, you have to traceback or secure a copy of the previous cancelled titles prior to the current title. Further, if you have doubts as to the authenticity of the copy of the title presented to you, you may verify the title with the Registry of Deeds by securing the certified true copy of such title (it is a blue copy on security paper). This gives you the peace of mind by ensuring that the property you are buying is free from any legal impediments.

Cancelation and Issuance of
Tax Declaration

A Tax Declaration is the basis for the Real Property Tax. If you have recently bought a real property, it does not stop with just securing the CCT or the TCT. You must ensure that the Tax declaration of the previous owner is cancelled and a new one is issued under your name. We can assist you in the cancellation or issuance of your property’s tax declaration.

Extra Judicial Settlement (EJS)

Want to partition an inherited property extrajudicially? No need to go to the court for we can help you in drafting your contract/agreement in settling the estate among the heirs. Be reminded that after the EJS notarization, you also need to process the CAR with the BIR and will also need to pay the transfer taxes before you can go to the Registry of Deeds to have the current title transferred under the name of the heirs.

Assistance in Payment of Real Property Taxes (RPT)

We can assist you in your annual payment of your Real Property Taxes to avoid penalties and delinquencies. We can also inform you when the city hall accepts early payments so you can enjoy a huge discount. For some cities/municipalities, this can be as high as 20% depending on how early you pay the RPT.

Assistance on Voluntary Annotation and/or Cancellation of Annotation in Title (Rule 74, Mortgage)

Annotation of title or removal thereof is the process of asking the Registry of Deeds to record a certain transaction covering the land. You may also ask the Registry of Deeds to remove the entries or annotations so long as you have the complete documents. The usual events that require annotation are: mortgage, Rule 74 (transfer by succession or Extrajudicial Settlement). We can assist you in voluntary annotation and removal of annotation with the Register of Deeds.


This is usually sought when the parents want to gift their properties to their children as part of their estate planning. To ensure that the parents are not left without a place to stay or means of livelihood, the real property shall be under a usufruct so that the parents can still enjoy the property despite the property already being transferred under the name of the children. Need a Usufruct Agreement? Our lawyers can assist you.

Assistance in Reconstitution of Lost Title

This presupposes that you have a title already but the same was lost. You have to prove the loss following the requirements under the law before reconstitution. Our lawyers can assist you in filing the Petition for Reconstitution to restore a lost or destroyed title.

Assistance in Partition of Property

This assumes that the property is co-owned. This usually happens when the owners are spouses and they separate, or the property was inherited and the heirs are co-owners of the real property or simply partners bought the property together and would like to subdivide the property already in accordance with their respective shares. This involves survey plans so that the current metes and bounds may be cut up and divided accordingly. We offer assistance in judicial or extrajudicial partition of property.

Assistance in Correction of Title

A correction in the Title can only be done through a court order. Our lawyers can assist you in filing the petition for amendment in the appropriate court.

Assistance in Conversion to e-Title

Avoid the risk of losing or destroying your original and duplicate titles made of paper by having an e-Title. This is optional and can be done following the availment of the Land Registration Authority (LRA) voluntary standardization of certificate of title. We can assist you in converting your land title to an e-Title.


Getting assisted by a team of lawyers and land experts will surely save you time and money. Prevent the stress and hassle of tedious title transfer by letting FILEDOCSPHIL help you.

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